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  1. Contact points

    Contact Point SCG-401K


    Known as a 24-Hour Contact pad, this  after-market  device is designed to fit all of our remote-training collars including the YS300 No-Bark collar.

  2. washer

    Contact Point Washers (Pair)


    Contact Point Washer for 5/8" Contact-points to increase contact point size to 3/4"

  3. expansion kit

    Contact Point Extension Kit


    Contact Point Extension Kit. Washers are designed to extend 5/8" Contact Points to 3/4"

  4. 2302NCP

    Transmitter 2302NCP


    Replacement Transmitter for the DOGTRA ADVANCED 3/4 MILE REMOTE  2302NCP Trainer. This transmitter is built for two dogs and can be used with the DOGTRA ADVANCED 3/4 MILE REMOTE  2302NCP Trainer receiver.

  5. Battery-DG-BP37W

    Battery BP37W


    This is the receiver battery for Dogtra 280C, 282C, and ARC models.

  6. Battery-DG-BP74TE



    This is the transmitter battery for Edge. Battery BP74TE Edge TX

  7. Transmitter Dual Dial

    Transmitter Dual Dial


    Dogtra Dual Dail transmitter, compatible with the iQ PLUS/iQ MINI, 200C/202C, 280C/282C, ARC, and 1900S/1902S.

  8. Transmitter T&B Dual

    Transmitter T&B Dual


    Replacement transmitter for Dogtra T&B Dual.

  9. Dogtra Sound Box

    Dogtra Sound Box


    The Dogtra SOUND BOX is an effective tool for instructors to demonstrate to students in training sessions when and how much stimulation to apply to their dogs.

  10. Pathfinder GPS Additional Receiver/Collar (Blue)

    Pathfinder GPS Additional Receiver/Collar (Blue)


    Additional GPS Collar for the expandable pathfinder tracking and training system. Available in colors Orange, Green, Black, and Blue. Package includes: Charger

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